Saturday, June 28, 2008

Death is Common

I have a Mohawk.

Trendy vintage punk hair styles aside, this week has been one for the record books at work, for shitty happenstances occurring in a row, I even had 2 days off, although the one I don't know why. Lots of breaking down in numerous trucks, I almost killed my swamper because he pisses me off, I almost died twice in the same day, and found out my SUV is going to cost me roughly in the $1700 area. So that is peachy fucking keen. Gets fixed this week, so there go a chunk of my savings.

Positive note? my Boxing and Muay Thai are steadily getting better. Estevan may be opening a MMA camp, so that would be stellar so I can up my training without having to travel too far. If I get nothing else out of it, at least I'm getting in shape. Even though I have a tan outline of where my work shirt is, so that's unattractive, but I blame the sun for scarring my moderately attractive body. Hate that cunt...

Lately Ive been catching up on alot of my Video gaming, and there is one thing I have noticed. Guitar Hero should not be played on the DS. The hand/wrist cramps are immense and the strumming on the touch screen makes me bitch songs alot more than if I was playing them on the Guitar peripheral.
Also Im not as bad as I thought I was at FPS' namely Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 I beat the first mission on the hardest difficulty with hardly a scratch, so all those hours of Counter Strike with Graydon were going somewhere.

My dogs are like bad kids, they get into shit, they do things they normally don't do, when they are around each other. One pissed on my coveralls, they both ripped apart the bag of cat food this morning when I was at work. Akuma gets into the trash can sometimes. Nemesis can't be alone without Akuma, hell he can't even piss without Akuma. I hope he grows out of his dependacy on Akuma.

Also my friend Mike woke from his coma, he got hit by a drunk driver last week and he was in a coma, so thank whatever higher powers are out there, that he is awake and stable. He is one of the few friends of Kitten that I actually trust, respect, and actually like. So good news there.

Other than that not much to report. I'm hungry, I think A&M is calling my name.
Ill post pics of my Mohawk, and dogs as soon as my camera stops being bitched.

1 comment:

Ashh said...

If you don't nip your dog's dependancy in the bud before its too late he probably will never get over it, trust. good luck with that, dude.