Currently listening to: Killin' Time by Wellspoke
Currently playing: Xenoblade Chronicles, MW3
Spent a few days up north this week with my family. Got detoxed, drank an ocean of water, and ate the odd meal. Got my neck tattoo finished, and bought a brand new 2012 GMC Terrian. Made the choice to try and make things work with Alison again, so I deleted my Facebook and am changing my cell phone number. I'm hoping this relieves her of any suspicion and jealousy which is the root of all my problems in said relationship. It seems to be an old fable that boys and girls can be just friends without sexual tension or situations arising.
I always said I would never do this again, but history has a tendency to repeat itself, even with a completely different cast, the story seems to remain the same. Perhaps this is my way of progressing the storyline. All I plan to do is work, and sit at home and play video games, and work on my music. So anyone who wants to know what I'm up to? There it is.
Having thought over all this and weighing the pros and cons, I came to wonder. Do people spend more time and effort on their Internet lives then they do their real life ones? Some people work terribly hard on their Facebooks and Facebook relationships, YouTubes, message boards etc. I understand that in some cases this is the only way to connect with loved ones or friends that are around the world, much like me and the boys in Near Ruin. Ive met a few people that were rad and interesting online, but when I met them, they were awkward and had nothing of interest to say or had no way to communicate in a real situation. I'm not like that, and I do quite well in social situations where I like the people, but if we all put as much effort into our jobs or relationships outside the Internet like we do in our Facebooks, YouTubes, Blogs etc. Maybe alot of your status updates wouldn't including being broke or being in a shitty relationship. Typing a status or tweet takes 30 seconds tops, in 30 seconds I can tell someone I love them, rub their back a little bit, or give em a kiss. If someone of you did this for your significant others as often as you update your statuses, maybe your relationships would bear some fruit.
Am I disappearing off the Internet completely? No. I still intend to YouTube, read comics, keep up with emails, blog, and use the Internet for game help and in general an information tool. I post over at GameFAQs under the name Mindesyn and am usually on the Conduit 2 board.
Perhaps I'm just an older guy. This internet social shit is for kids and teenagers. We grew up with Internet so the world is changing and simply Xing out Internet use isn't the permanent solution. We have to change on what we use the Internet for. How many workplaces suffer because people cant stop playing Mafia Wars on Facebook, or mindlessly surf YouTube? People spend more time making friendships on the Internet and for the most part take them more seriously. If I don't talk to you in real life for 6 months you don't care. If I delete you off my Facebook due to the lack of connecting or talking, you take it as a huge 'Fuck you' why is being on my Internet 'friends' list more important then having a real life friendship?
Convenience. We all want to be a part of someones life, but want no effort in doing so. This behaviour starts on the Internet and soon carries over to personal life, where we make no effort in our marriages or friendships. I don't use the Internet like that. I still go over to my friends house and play video games there, even tho its just as simple to play online from the comfort of my own home. I try to see people when time affords me, even tho most people always talk about getting together, but when the occasion arises they seem to not want any part of the idea.
Not to mention the Internet is educating your children instead of you. Its not an ideal curriculum. Net nanny isn't the answer. Spending time with your kids is. But this point doesn't matter.
Point is I've endured alot of stress and bullshit over the internet, that I could've easily had avoided if I just focused on the people beside me. Im a mild case. I know some people that the best way to get ahold of them is to login to Facebook or Tweet them. They won't answer texts or phone calls, but always are on social networking sites, and for all I know that's all they really are.
If you are offended I deleted my Facebook in order to focus on my relationship and improve it because it needs it? Go fuck yourself. I got email, YouTube, GameFAQ account, a Twitter, and this blog. If that doesn't work for you, maybe you should try harder if you want me as your friend.
Add me on YouTube or GameFAQs under 'Mindesyn' Follow me on Twitter @demonicjaye or just read this fucking blog if all that is too much effort.
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